2024 HCBC Bee School Recap

HCBC values educating the community. This year we are offering an introductory course where you will be invited to join our beekeeping community who values sharing information with each other!

Another beginner’s class in beekeeping has just concluded here in Hoke County. Twenty-five people signed up and 23 were able to attend the four Saturday classes that made up the course. Many were able to attend yard visits at Guy’s bee yard and gain some valuable hands-on experience.

This is the first State Certified class we have held in years where the curriculum was developed by the NCSBA and a test was offered to certify beekeepers in the first step of the North Carolina Master Beekeepers program. We were a little rusty in our presentations and had a few wrinkles to iron out but, overall, everything seemed to flow smoothly. Looking forward to being better in the future.

Now we will work with these new beekeepers through our mentorship program over the next year to help ensure that they do truly become Beekeepers and not merely Bee-havers because of a lack of assistance or frustration. We have Mentors for all the new Beekeepers, and we also have a vast pool of knowledge in our club for them to take advantage of. I urge everyone to share with and guide our newest club members in their beekeeping adventures.

- Instructor/Mentor - Russ Hoskins